Friday, July 20, 2012

Coney Island

Had a really fun first time trip to Coney Island.

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Friday, July 6, 2012

Traveling Nightmare

So many things purport to make your life easier or speed you along. One such thing is a service called Transportazumah. Billed as "revolutionizing mass-transportation" They certainly did so today when they cancelled there scheduled service to LBI 5 minutes before it was to depart. This left myself and many others scrambling to find alternate accommodations. Luckily, I had been eavesdropping on two girls who had been talking about a bus that left from The Port Authority in ten minutes. Granted, this service only got me 3/4 to my destination, I eagerly followed and was grateful for the good fortune. So my weekend begins!

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Location:Highland Pkwy S,,United States


Me and my adorable Sophie kicking back on a promenade bench.